Tuesday, 6 March 2007

and by way of contrast, here is a snap of artwork at Geneva station... yeah, Geneva, Switzerland. Love it!


Jag said...

(Jag from Route79)

squirrelmama said...

A marvelous photo. Switzerland is such an intriguing spot. A friend, a native of Tobago, just moved to Switzerland from this side of the Pond (from NY, in fact) and is living there now, in Basel, where her husband got a job.

pondlife said...

Thanks. It is an intriguing country. They have a curious sense of humour. But Basel. Hmmmm. The only thing I know about Basel is the Kunsthaus, I think they call it. There is the biggest and most beautiful painting there of a huge cornfield and enormous clouds...that could be England on a day around harvest time. But likewise could be Transylvania....The rest of the Swiss don't consider Geneva to be part of Switzerland on account of the huge number and variety of foreigners living there. A point in its favour, I feel.